27 юни : Преп. Сампсон Страноприемец [ок. 530 г.]. Св. прав. Йоана Мироносица [I в.]. Преп. Севир Италийски [ок. 530 г.]. Преп. Георги Светогорец [1066 г.]. Преп. Мартин Туровски [1150 г.]. Преп. Серапион Кожеезерски [1611 г.]. Новосвщмчк. Григорий презвитер Кубански [1918 г.]

Свети Сампсон Странноприемец - лекар, по произход римлянин, преподобен. Построил в Константинопол дом, в който приемал странници, бедни и болни, които лекувал чудесно. Излекувал и опасно заболелия император Юстиниан, който по негово искане построил голяма болница и страноприемница, които преподобният управлявал до дълбока старост. Чудесните изцеления продължили и след смъртта му през 550 година. На гроба му се стичали неизлечимо болни, които оздравявали чрез молитвите си към Бога и преподобния, помазвайки се с целебно миро, което изтичало от гроба на светеца. Затова лекарите в Константинопол го считат за свой покровител.

Sampson the Hospitable

Sampson was born in Rome to a prominent family. He was a physician who devoted much of his time to helping the poor and sick. He turned his home into a free clinic, providing his patients with food and lodging as well as medical care. He was later ordained a priest by the patriarch. When the Byzantine emperor Justinian the Great became ill he sent for Sampson to cure him. He was the only physician in the city to do the emperor any good, and the emperor wanted to reward him. Sampson requested that the emperor help him establish a new hospital for the poor. With the emperor's assistance Sampson founded the hospital, which became the largest free clinic in the empire and served the people of Constantinople for 600 years. Sampson was buried in the Church of the Holy Martyr Mocius in Constantinople. It was on his feast day that Peter the Great defeated Charles XII of Sweden in the Battle of Poltava. This led to his veneration in Russia, including the construction of St Sampson's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.